Truly, there is no expression for my class. It's really kind of like listening to Welcome to the Jungle, by Gun's and Roses, because it really is the jungle in there. There's none of the sexy stuff that's included in the song, but the blood and screaming and how its gets harder everyday, and all of that, is completely descriptive of my daily experience (as I laugh hysterically about how true this is). Is my post title vulgar? yes. Is it true? yes! Let me explain. I will start by saying that I am very fortunate that I have such a great sense of humor and can laugh at everything at the end of the day, because otherwise my mind would have been gone by now. So, let's start with the title. Every morning on my way to school, I tell myself what a good day it will be and how my students will behave so well and things will go the way I want and I won't be stressed, and all that jazz. I really tell myself this every morning as a pep talk to myself. So, I get to school and do my teacherly things before the students arrive. Then, I go to the field where the students line up in the morning. The second I get on the field, one of the other teachers approaches me to explain how one of my students "punted" or kicked another student of mine right between the legs, and hard. My student who got kicked was crying and limping. So, first 5 minutes and there is already an issue that is causing me to have to go to the supervisor with both students. So, this incident comes to a close after about a half hour or so. So now, I figure that the "bad thing of the day" has happened, so I should be in the clear and the rest should be smooth sailing. Well, I was most certainly wrong! During the end of the day, one of my students asked to use the toilet. Nothing out of the ordinary. He comes back, and about 5 minutes later, if even that, the bathroom attendant/janitor comes and pulls the boy out of class. I continue with my lesson. Next, one of the supervisors of the floor comes to my class and has to pull me out of the class. She explain to me that my student was in the bathroom and decided to smear his "caca" all over the walls of the bathroom stall! Shocking? Yes! Disgusting? Yes! So, my reaction to this was just me attempting to smile, and breathe in as deeply as possible so I don't lose my cool. I shake my hands and tell her to go, and that I need a moment to compose myself, because the thought of this boy putting his poo hands all over the classroom is making me just a bit sick. So, this little story of today is just a tidbit of my daily experience. I have already had 2 incidences involving blood. One where a boy stabbed a girl in the hand with a pencil, causing her to bleed. And another with a boy accidentally tripping another boy, causing a face-plant into the floor, ending in a bloody nose and tears. I have a few class bully's, and non-stop behavior. Whether is tearing pages out of booking, "beating" other students, pulling chairs from students when they are about to sit, it's just always something. This is really only a small piece of the nonsense that happens constantly. Again, I am fortunate that I can at least laugh about this and joke with my colleagues at the end of the day. But, seriously, it's gross!