The first day I found Jack. She was in bad shape. |
Really bad shape, very sick and infected |
She had an eye infection and couldn't even open her eyes. |
This is the third day, one day after taking her to the vet and getting her some medicine. |
Her eyes were open more, but she was still a little scared and very tired |
And she was very skinny and tiny, about the size of my hand |
After about 1.5 weeks, my little princess was up and running and crazy active |
And she is just oh so cute! |
Apparently I will go to paradise for this one. So, here's how my heroic rescue story happened. It really all started one day when we were going to school. We were pulling up near school, and saw this scrawny little kitten crossing the road, but barely moving, and we were so worried it would get hit by a car. We watched to make sure the kitten made it across the street, but when it did it walked write into a stone wall. We had a feeling the poor thing was blind, and that was sad, but we had no choice, because it was 7am and we had to be at school.
Two days later, on a Wednesday, I stayed at school late, until about 5pm, because I had some end of the year things I had to do to get cleaned up for the summer. As I left the school, I saw a scrawny white kitten laying on the sidewalk, and it wasn't moving. I was really sad because I realized this was the same kitten I had seen 2 days ago, and now it was dead on the sidewalk in front of school. As I walked closer to the cat, it moved just a little bit. It wasn't dead, but it was probably within hours (at most) of the end of its life. I didn't know what to do. I knew it was sick and dying, but I also couldn't just leave it there to die. So I called up Tammy and asked her for some advice. She felt pretty bad too, and suggested that I bring it home. So, I scooped the tiny little kitten off the ground. I could feel every bone in its body, and she weighed practically nothing. She was really dirty and her eyes were closed and couldn't open because there was so much pus. We brought the kitten to my apartment and bathed her very carefully in the sink, and wrapped her up with a towel. She was shaking and really really sick. We tried to feed her but weren't having much success. By this time it was late in the evening, so we could't take her to the vet, but decided to do it the next day. She slept the rest of the evening.
The next day, I left for school, and told my students about the little kitten I had found and rescued. The kid's thought it was very nice to save the kitten. I also told them that I was name the cat Jack Skellington, and assumed it was a boy, since he was a skinny skeleton like Jack from the Nightmare Before Christmas. After school, Jack was still alive and sleeping in the box bed I had made for him. Tammy and I took him to the vet right after school.
The vet's were shocked at Jack's size and weight. Jack weighed only 320 grams, so not even 1 pound. And, we found out that Jack is a girl, and that she was severely dehydrated. The vet gave her an IV of fluids, 1 into her belly, and 1 into her neck, to help re-hydrate her. Then, they gave her some boiled chicken, which she ate all up. The vet also gave antibiotics and eye drops to give her daily to help with the infections. On our drive home, I felt confident that this brave little kitten would make it through.
Every day I woke up early to take care of her and give her her medicine. I played with her and would lay around with her. She follows me everywhere, like I'm her mom. I absolutely adore this kitten, and hate the thought of having to part ways with her. She has given me so many laughs and brought a lot of joy and has help me to de-stress. I hate to give her to someone else, but transporting a cat from one country to another is a very difficult and expensive process. I hope I can find her a good home. I will always remember this crazy little monster kitten of mine, Jack.
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