Friday, December 9, 2011


My first Thanksgiving away from Pittsburgh and my family. It was a nice gathering though. Of course in Bahrain, they don't celebrate Thanksgiving, so we decided that we would do our own group feast. Ben was nice enough to host the meal at his apartment upstairs. He invited his close friends/colleagues, and had everyone bring a dish or two. I made sweet potatoes and green bean casserole. We had to eat chicken though because there was no turkey. The dinner turned out really nice and everyone had such a lovely time. We had tons of food, and 5 or 6 bottles of wine. 
After the dinner ended, we went more into party mode. We started playing darts and drinking vodka and playing card games (which involved some drink consumption). I learned that I am not very good at card games. The game brought on so many laughs, it was amazing. We had so much fun. 
The night came to an end, as I made my way down the stairs to my apartment. Apparently I was very tired and not thinking right, because I decided to crawl into bed with everything on, including my shoes. When I woke up around 9am or so, I was laughing at myself in disbelief that I had gone to bed in heels! I guess I at least looked pretty while I was sleeping. I laughed it off as I reminisced about the grand feast and party we had.

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