Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fearing For My Life

Ok, so maybe my post title is a bit dramatic, but I had some pretty dramatic thoughts in my mind. I really haven't feared for my life yet since I have been here, but this was really like something you might see in a movie.  So, upon my arrival in Bahrain, I had to get my fingerprints taken and my photo and all that jazz. I also had to go for a medical exam, even though I had to have one before I left the states. So today, I had to leave school a bit early to go on the bus into the city to go to the medical clinic for this exam. Now understand, this is a modern country that I'm living in, but going to a medical facility here is not quite like going to a hospital in the states. In the US, hospitals are sparkly white and smell like bleach and cleaning products and they are just so sanitary you could eat off the floors. Well, the medical clinic here is kind of like that somewhat dingy looking building that you don't feel all so clean in. It's like in a movie, when someone has to go to some spooky doctor office, and there's babies crying and people coughing and such. So the clinic was very much like this movie setting, except there were no babies crying, and I was maybe one of 5 ladies in the clinic. I would say there was a ratio of about 1 female for every 20 males, so they all give you the stare down when you go. Definitely interesting. By law, the men and the women have to be in separate areas for any procedures. So while the million men sat outside on the chairs and waited to be x-ray in one room, myself and the 4 or 5 other ladies had to cram into this little cubicle, close the door, and get dressed there. There was a bin full of what I assume were used gowns, and one hanging, which I'm still not totally sure if it was used or not. And every time this cubicle door was opened, all the men outside would see us standing in the hospital gowns (it was awkward, but I guess now I can look at that and laugh). After, I had to get my vision checked, my blood pressure, and my heart checked. These tests are done when there are 5 other patients in a room with you as well. When this checkup was complete, I must say I was happy to leave. Nothing traumatic happened, but it was just a weird place to be. I would have taken some photos for everyone to see, but I don't think it would have been a good idea to take pictures inside the clinic, but really, just use your imagination, and you will get the picture. All in all, I just hope I don't get so sick that I have to see a doctor while I'm here, because that thought scares me. I'll stick to eating healthy and drinking lots of water.    

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