Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My First Day

My journey to the middle east started on Friday, September 2nd, with some teary goodbyes at the airport. After a few moments though, I pulled it together, hopped on the plane, and before I knew it, I was in Bahrain! Since I have never traveled to the middle east, this was a whole new experience for me. I went through customs, had my photo taken and fingerprints scanned (because I would be living and working there, I have to be in their files). I was greeted by Maya, a lovely Lebanese lady who would be driving me to my new flat. She is also in charge of everything related to kindergarten and 1st grade, so she is kind of my boss as well. She was very sweet and took me to get a new phone, and help me get to my flat. When she left, the confusion began. The first struggle of the night involved my bed sheet. There was only one sheet, stitched together only at one corner. It took me 15 minutes of thinking how this would work, so I just guessed maybe people don't use a fitted and flat sheet. Then, I wanted to use my new phone, but all the options were in Arabic, so I couldn't read and understand what they said. Finally, the bathroom light was out and there was no shower curtain, so bathing was tough too. Finally, I figured it was best for me to just go to sleep, and start new tomorrow. It's exciting to not know what the future holds.

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